====== Occupation: Professional Software R&D
====== Interests: Surfing, sailing, flying, programming, mowing, modelling, classical guitar, thinking.
====== About Me: Married with two children.
====== Christian background from the King's school, explored classical Christian and contemporary Arm-wavers.
====== NSTC, UNSW, MU, ACS.
====== Program leader for one of Australia's largest communications networks, major mainframe experience and hardware/software R&D. Expertise in communications, submarines, security, voice, financial modelling.
====== Worked in 7 Australian cities, Wellington, Hong Kong, London, Rome, Salt Lake City, Chicago, Boston, New York.
====== My plane landed at Logan airport in Boston late at night on Sept 10th and was possibly used by the black hats the next morning for the twin towers job. I was in HK during the SARS outbreak and delayed a NY trip while the yanks invaded Iraq recently.
====== I think the Big Boss is helping to protect my family.